本文报告了应用常规鉴定方法难以定种的17株布氏菌非典型株,而应用六群布氏菌噬菌体裂解试验,氧化代谢试验正确定种,并应用Tm值测定法测定了部分布氏菌非典型株的G+C mol%和DNA杂交技术测定其同源性。证实:G+C mol%均在56.6~57.6之间。DNA杂交测定的结果是应用噬菌体裂解试验和氧化代谢试验所定的种同源相关性高于另外的一个种的参考菌株。
This paper reports that 17 atypical strains of Brucella could be difficultly assigned to one of the typical biovars br conventional identification tests. Using phage typeing and oxidative metabolic test, Hower, these strains were identiffed as 12 strains of B.melitensis,4 strains of B.abortus and 1 strain of B.canis. Their homology and G+C mol% were determined by DNAs hybrization and meliti- ng temprature methods. The results shown that their DNA were high homology and G+C rate were 56.5%~57.6%. This work confirmed further the aresults on typing of phage lysis and oxidative metabolism test.