
埋地聚乙烯燃气管道的试验研究与力学分析 被引量:4

Experimental Study and Mechanics Analysis of Buried Polyethylene Gas Pipeline
摘要 埋地PE燃气管道在国内外得到广泛应用,PE燃气管失效可能引发重特大事故,对其进行试验研究和力学分析对于防止事故发生具有重要意义。介绍了国内外进行的PE管失效分析、试验研究和力学研究的工作进展。总结了国内外专门针对埋地PE燃气管的力学分析方法和简易的寿命预测试验方法等需要解决的问题,提出推动埋地PE燃气管道发展的建议。 The buried polyethylene gas pipelines were wildly used in China and abroad. Failure of PE gas pipelines may result in major accident, So experimental study and mechanics analysis of the buried polyethylene gas pipelines were important to prevent the possibility of accidents from taking place. The development of failure analysis, experimental study and mechanics analysis of the PE pipes was introduced. Certain problems, such as specialized mechanics analysis method and simple service life prediction method for the buried polyethylene gas pipelines, to be solved were summarized. This paper proposed some suggestions to promote the development of the buried polyethylene gas pipelines.
作者 李明阳
出处 《中国特种设备安全》 2012年第3期15-19,共5页 China Special Equipment Safety
关键词 聚乙烯 埋地燃气管道 试验研究 力学分析 Polyethylene Buried gas pipeline Experimental study Mechanics analysis
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