
国际健康素养研究热点与前沿文献计量分析 被引量:13

A bibliometric analysis of research hotspots and research fronts on international health literacy
摘要 目的梳理国际健康素养领域的研究热点,预测研究前沿。方法选取Web of Science数据库中的SCI-E和SSCI为数据源,将共词分析和主题战略坐标相结合进行分析。结果基于高频关键词的10个热点之间存在着密切联系。结论健康素养领域研究热点理论上有精神健康素养、功能性健康素养和健康信息素养等研究。具体应用中主要是健康素养干预措施和效果评价研究,特别是针对慢性病、传染病、精神病和肿瘤等患者以及女性、老年人等具体人群的研究。 Objective To explore research hotspots and research fronts on international health literacy. Methods We retrieved the whole documents data by topic word "health literacy" from 1974 to 2011 in SCI-E, SSCI. The co-word cluster analysis and subject strategic diagrams were combined to analysis these documents. Results 10 hotspots based on high-frequency keywords were found, these hotspots had both cross-cutting themes and separated areas. Conclusion Cur- rent research focus areas were mental health literacy, functional health literacy and health information literacy in theory. Specific applications were mainly health literacy interventions and outcomes assessment. Main research areas were focus on intervention and evaluation among patients of chronic diseases, infectious diseases, mental illness and other specific cancer, and other specific population studies on women and the elderly.
作者 姚强 张士靖
出处 《中国健康教育》 2012年第1期36-39,共4页 Chinese Journal of Health Education
基金 教育部人文社科基金项目(07JA870011)
关键词 健康素养 研究热点 共词聚类分析 主题战略坐标 Health literacy Research hotspots Co-words Cluster analysis Subject strategic diagram
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