
西部城乡药店抗生素不凭处方销售情况研究——以西安市为例 被引量:7

Analysis of antibiotics sales without prescription in pharmacies in West China-taking Xi'an as an example
摘要 目的:调查以西安为代表的西部城乡药店抗生素不凭处方销售状况。方法:采用神秘顾客法模拟成人急性上呼吸道感染和儿童腹泻两类病症,随机调查西安市102家药店凭处方销售抗生素的情况。结果:大多数药店不凭处方出售抗生素,药店药学服务情况堪忧,无法确保用药对症与否。结论:西安市药店违规销售抗生素行为普遍,建议深入推进医药卫生体制改革,加强药店监管,普及抗生素知识,以确保抗生素用药安全。 Objective : The objective of this study was to quantify the percentage of pharmacies selling antibiotics without an official medical prescription in Xi'an, a typical city in West China. Methods: A study using the mystery customer method was per- formed from April through May 2011. Two different cases were presented at pharmacies : diarrhea in children and adult acute re- spiratory infection. Three levels of demand were used to convince the drug sellers to sell an antibiotic. Results: A total of 102 pharmacies were visited. Antibiotics were obtained from most pharmacies. The patient care services in pharmacies were insufficient to ensure the rational use of antibiotics. Conclusion : These results demonstrate that, although illegal, the sale of antibiotics without a prescription continues in West China. It's necessary to promote the health care reform, to reinforce the supervision and administration of retail pharmacies, to increase the public's knowledge about the use of antibiotics, so as to ensure the safety of antibiotic
出处 《中国卫生事业管理》 北大核心 2012年第3期184-186,206,共4页 Chinese Health Service Management
基金 陕西省科技攻关项目"基于药学服务的城镇社区高血压患者药疗干预试验研究"(项目编号:2010K16-02) 西安交通大学校内人文社科基金项目"基于药学服务的城镇社区慢性病患者用药安全风险评估与干预模式研究"(项目编号:09XJJ072)
关键词 神秘顾客 西安市 药店 抗生素 mystery customer Xi'an retail pharmacy antibiotic
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