
物体分类任务中线索效应的ERP研究 被引量:1

Cueing Effects on Categorization:An ERP Study
摘要 本实验采用ERP技术,对图片分类任务中的线索效应进行研究。实验任务为:图形形状判断、动物/非动物判断。靶刺激图片前呈现线索。线索分为有效线索、无效线索和中性线索。结果发现:(1)有效线索条件下对靶刺激的早期知觉再认得到易化——知觉加工成分波幅下降;(2)有效线索条件下,靶刺激中与任务相关的信息得到加工——任务相关的特异性成分增强。有效线索易化对靶刺激的知觉辨认,提取与线索提供背景相关的信息,促进行为反应。 This study concerns the neural mechanisms of the cueing effects on categorization of pictures by using ERP technique. It contains two tasks: judgements of the round/square geometry figures and animals/non-animals. Before each trial, a cue was presented. There are three kinds of cues: valid, invalid and neural ones. As a result, we found the cueing effects on targets: (1) Valid cueing facilitates the perceptual processing of the subsequent targets, which showed by the smaller amplitude of early ERP components. (2) Valid cueing limit the processing of the targets on the certain task, which showed by the larger amplitude of later ERP component’s. Valid cueing increases the efficiency of the targets identification, facilitates transmission of information to subsequent categorization stages, where increased neural activity leads to behavioral benefits. To some certain, this study gives advice for improvement of learning and memory.
出处 《心理发展与教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第2期113-120,共8页 Psychological Development and Education
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目(05JJDXLX003) 教育部百篇优秀博士论文作者专项资金项目(200708) 国家社会科学基金"十一五"规划(教育科学)2006年重点课题(ABA060004) 天津师范大学博士基金(52WW1014)
关键词 线索效应 物体分类 认知 事件相关电位 Cueing effects Categorization Cognition ERPs (event-related potentials)
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