
观点采择因素对3~4岁儿童延迟满足决策的影响 被引量:9

The Role of Perspective-taking in Preschool Children’s Decision-making in Delay of Gratification
摘要 通过采用延迟满足决策任务,要求儿童分别为自己和他人做出决策,本研究考察了观点采择因素对儿童情感决策发展的影响。实验一选取3岁和4岁儿童各40名,结果发现3岁儿童和4岁儿童在为自己选和为他人选两种条件下的表现均无显著差异,都倾向于做出延迟选择。实验二选取3岁和4岁儿童各60名,在为他人的选择中进一步区分了不同的观点提示条件,并增加了观点采择测验任务。结果发现,4岁儿童的观点采择能力得到了初步的发展,在不同的观点提示条件下为他人选择时分别表现出了与为自己选择不同的决策趋势;3岁儿童尚未获得观点采择能力,在各种不同观点提示条件下为自己和为他人做选择时差异均不显著。本研究结果表明,观点采择能力对儿童情感决策的影响是发展性的。随着观点采择能力的发展,儿童逐渐能够确立正确的延迟动机,为他人做出有效的决策。 The task of decision-making in delay of gratification had been used to investigate the development of affective decision-making in preschool children. It involved making a series of choices between a small, immediate reward and a larger, delayed reward for children themselves and for others (research assistant). Experiment 1 tested 40 3-year-olds and 40 4-year-olds, and the result found that there was no difference between chose for self and chose for other on neither 3-year-olds nor 4-year-olds. Both of them preferred to choose delay for themselves and for others. To explain the result of experiment 1, we designed experiment 2 which also asked the children to make decision for themselves and for a research assistant based delay of gratification procedure. But we offered some information about the research assistant; therefore the information could as a cue to help children to make the useful choice for other people. And the perspective-taking task was included in experiment 2 too. 60 3-year-olds and 60 4-year-olds were tested in experiment 2. The result found out: for 3-year-olds, the ability of perspective-taking had not well developed, and there was no difference between chose for self and chose for other in any kind of information groups. In contrast, for 4-year-olds, the ability of perspective taking had got developed by a certain degree, and they could make different choices for others based on different information. In sum, children’s ability of affective decision-making is related to perspective-taking which shows developmental change during the preschool period in the task of delay of gratification for self and others. As perspective taking develops, children come to approach motivationally significant decision for other people.
出处 《心理发展与教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第2期131-139,共9页 Psychological Development and Education
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(30770727)后续工作 广西大学科研基金项目(XGS110003)
关键词 年幼儿童 情感决策 延迟满足 观点采择 young children affective decision-making delay of gratification perspective-taking
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