
低温固相法制备二氧化锰/活性炭复合材料 被引量:1

Synthesis of manganese dioxide/activated carbon composite by low temperature solid-state method
摘要 采用低温固相法制备了超级电容器用二氧化锰(MnO2)/活性炭(AC)复合材料,用XRD、SEM、循环伏安(CV)和恒流充放电测试研究了掺杂量对产物性能的影响。产物的粒径为1~10μm。AC的最佳掺杂量为7%,在0~0.8 V充放电,该样品的100 mA/g首次放电比电容为375 F/g,第100次和1 000次300 mA/g循环的放电比电容分别为99 F/g和74 F/g。 Manganese dioxide(MnO2)/activated carbon(AC) composite for supercapacitor was synthesized by low temperature solid-state method.Effects of doping amount on the performance of the products were studied by XRD,SEM,cyclic voltammetry(CV) and galvanostatic charge-discharge tests.The diameter of the product was 1~10 μm.The optimum doping amount of AC was 7%.When charged-discharged at 0~0.8 V,the initial 100 mA/g specific discharge capacitance of the product was 375 F/g,the specific discharge capacitance in the 100 th cycle and 1 000 th cycle with 300 mA/g was 99 F/g and 74 F/g,respectively.
出处 《电池》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第1期4-6,共3页 Battery Bimonthly
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(21001097) 河南省高校科技创新人才支持计划资助项目(2012HASTIT022) 河南省科技厅基础与前沿技术研究项目(102300410107) 河南省高等学校青年骨干教师资助计划项目(豫教高[2009]844号) 郑州市科技攻关项目(0910SGYG23259)
关键词 二氧化锰(MnO2) 活性炭 低温固相法 超级电容器 manganese dioxide(MnO2) activated carbon(AC) low temperature solid-state method supercapacitor
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