
骨架驱动的三维模型变形方法 被引量:4

Multi-skeleton-node driven local deformation method for 3D mesh model
摘要 为发展三维网格模型的变形技术,研究了多种三维模型变形算法,通过对骨架驱动变形算法的深入研究,针对现行算法多是以单一骨架驱动变形的不足,提出了一种新的基于多骨架点驱动的交互式局部变形方法。有效结合模型的骨架图结构,确定各骨架点对应的局部区域。并将骨架点拟合为二次Bézier曲线,通过交互式拖动任意骨架点计算与之相连的多骨架点的动态变化,实现模型局部区域的自然形变。实验结果表明了该算法的有效性和直观性。 To develop the deformation technology of 3D mesh model, several methods of defomation are studied. To over short- comings of one-bone driven used in almost every skeleton driven deformation methods, an interactive multi-skeleton-node driven local deformation method is proposed. It combines the Reeh graph skeleton extraction theory to determine the local area of each skeleton node, and then it approximates the skeleton nodes into a Bezier curve. Based on the interaction of skeleton node, our algorithm can automatically adjust connected skeleton nodes. The intuitive local deformation of mesh model is implemented. The experimental results show that our algorithm is intuitive and effective.
作者 韩丽 齐晓明
出处 《计算机工程与设计》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第3期1051-1056,共6页 Computer Engineering and Design
基金 留学回国科研启动基金项目(教外司留[2009]8) 辽宁省百千万人才项目及辽宁省教育厅基金项目(2010921090)
关键词 三维网格模型 骨架 REEB图 BÉZIER曲线 变形 3D mesh model skeleton Reeb graph (MRG) B6zier curve deformation
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