
概念格稳定性分析及其在Folksonomy中的应用 被引量:5

Analysis of stability-based concept lattice for mining Folksonomy
摘要 为了改善Folksonomy中的资源利用率,将形式概念分析与Folksonomy相结合,引入概念稳定性度量方法来更精确的表示Folksonomy概念结构。研究工作的重点是通过概念格来发现Folksonomy中的特殊社区团体——用户兴趣标签。实验中分别使用概念稳定性和支持度两种方法来缩减概念格的规模,并从美味书签网站del.icio.us上收集真实数据集进行实验对比,分析和讨论了利用稳定性提取概念的效率和意义。 In order to improve the performance of folksonomy, the research work on folksonomy is based on formal concept analy- sis, and a method of concept stability to express the folksonomy and concept hierarchies exactly is introduced. The focus of the research is build the lattice based on folksonomy to find special social communities such as interesting users' tags, and relies on concept stability and support measures to reduce the size of concept lattice. The experiment is on the real datasets of del. icio. us, and discusses the meaning and the interest of concept stability for extracting the concepts.
作者 申乐 王黎明
出处 《计算机工程与设计》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第3期1213-1217,共5页 Computer Engineering and Design
关键词 分众分类 概念稳定性 概念格 形式概念分析 美味书签网站 Folksonomy concept stability concept lattice formal concept analysis del icio us
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