
基于LQR直升机模糊滑模跟踪控制 被引量:3

Fuzzy Sliding-Mode Tracking Control of Helicopter Based on LQR
摘要 研究直升机系统稳定性优化问题,由于直升机系统的强耦合和非线性特性的影响,使飞行的稳定性和实时跟踪性差。为解决上述问题,对直升机原始数学模型进行近似线性化和解耦处理,采用模糊滑模控制方法实现直升机姿态角度的跟踪控制。首先,在滑模面的设计中引入最优线性二次型调节器,构建一种积分型切换面。其次,以切换面及导数的乘积和滑模切换增益的变化量为模糊系统的变量,实时调整变结构控制项的切换增益。仿真结果表明,通过控制器设计能够实现直升机姿态角度跟踪的稳定性,对外界不确定干扰具有强鲁棒性且控制器输出抖振问题得到明显改善。 As the helicopter is a strong coupling and nonlinear system,the original mathematical model of helicopter is linearized and decoupled.A fuzzy sliding-mode control method was adopted to achieve the tracking control of the helicopter attitude angles.The optimal Linear Quadratic Regulator was used for the design of integral switching surface.The product of switching manifold and its differential and the change in switching gain were used as language variables of fuzzy system which was designed to adjust the switching gain.Simulations show that the exponential stability of tracking error and the robustness against external disturbance are obtained and the controller output chattering problem is significantly improved.
出处 《计算机仿真》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第3期149-152,共4页 Computer Simulation
关键词 直升机 滑模变结构 模糊控制 抖振削弱 Helicopter Sliding-mode control Fuzzy control Weakening of buffeting
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