In the context of the global energy crisis,photovoltaic products based solar energy have been widely used in the world and this promotes the rapid development of photovoltaic industry.Overall,Asia represented by China and Japan is the world's major producer of photovoltaic modules.Europe is the world's major market.Under the financial crisis,the markets in Europe is declining and the whole market is turning to the U.S and other areas.Since 2000 China's photovoltaic industry which is strong in manufacture and weak in consumption,has entered to a rapid development stage.Although production areas have extended to 26 provinces throughout China,the Chinese market share is small,which is mainly centralized in rural and remote regions,photovoltaic industry is just in the overcapacity stage on the effect of financial crisis.At present,Chinese photovoltaic industry is facing some problems,including the imperfect chain of photovoltaic industry,the lack of core technology,the need of expending domestic market,the fierce of industry competition and so on.The measures for the development of photovoltaic industry are to make plans at national level,to train complete system of industrial chain,to increase investment in core technologies and participate in competition in international by the style of "product-study-research",to accelerate the domestic market by the chance of expanding domestic demand.
Journal of Capital Normal University:Natural Science Edition
International Financial Crisis
PV Industry
Present Development Situation.