本文概述了《汉英商业大词典》的编写情况 ,以及该词典所收录词语的主要特色。为避免中国式英语 ,编者在翻译方面下了很大的工夫 ,努力克服由跨文化等因素引起的误解、难以理解等问题。由中外专家共同定稿 。
The article gives a brief account of the compiling of“A Chinese- English Dictionary of Commercial Terms”,the first of its kind in present- day China.It also deals with its characteristics in content,the main being the inclusion of a large number of new words and terms that have emerged since 1 94 9. The compilers are exerting their utmost to avoid“Chinglish” in order to make the English translation understood by English- speaking natives.
Journal of Lanzhou Commercial College