
广东水产品出口面临的技术性贸易壁垒及对策 被引量:3

The Technical Trade Barriers and Some Corresponding Countermeasures in the Aquatic Product Export in Guangdong Province
摘要 比较分析广东水产品出口贸易和受阻情况,可发现不断增多的检测项目和日益严格的限量标准、不断升级的包装与标签要求、对出口企业实施注册登记备案制度和实施技术性贸易措施的国家不断增多是影响广东水产品出口的主要技术性贸易壁垒。根据当前广东水产品出口面临的形势和任务,广东水产品出口为更好地应对国外技术性贸易措施,应该建立与完善技术性贸易措施预警体系,完善检测技术体系,保护水生生态环境,主导或参与制定国际贸易规则,进行技术创新,提高产品质量,制定和实施市场多元化战略。 On basis of a comparative analysis on aquatic product export trading and its hindrance, this paper is to point out the inner and outer interruptive factors and discuss the technical measures to trade existing in the aquatic product export in Guangdong Province. As indicated by the research results, the main technical trade barriers hindering Guangdong aquatic product export included the continuously increasing detection items, the intensified limit standards, the upgraded package and label requirements, the export enterprise registration system, and the expanding situation of the countries who implemented the technical trade measures. Thus in this paper some corresponding countermeasures and suggestions are put forward for the better coping with foreign technical trade measures according to the situation and the tasks of Guangdong aquatic product export, such as establishing and perfecting the technical trade measure warning system, perfecting detection technology system, protecting the aquatic ecological environment, leading or participating in the implementation of international trade rules, ongoing technology innovation, improving the quality of products, developing and implementing market diversification strategies and so on.
出处 《中国渔业经济》 2012年第1期170-175,共6页 Chinese Fisheries Economics
基金 广东省重大科技专项"广东省农食产品应对国外技术性贸易措施研究"(2010B080701056)资助
关键词 水产品 出口贸易 技术性贸易措施 对策 aquatic product export trade technical trade barriers countermeasure
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