
嵌套NEMO中的路由优化方案研究 被引量:3

摘要 针对嵌套NEMO中存在的乒乓路由和数据包多层封装问题进行深入分析,提出一种嵌套NEMO的优化方案,改变NEMO中传统的MR嵌套转发报文的做法,使得MR的HA能够将发送到MR的数据直接重定向到整个嵌套NEMO所连接的外地网络,减少了嵌套的次数,并使得小范围的切换更新报文能控制在NEMO内部,减少了切换时延。分析表明,与NEMO基本支持协议相比,方案有效地解决了NEMO路由优化问题,提高了数据包的传输效率。 This paper analyses in-depth the issues of ping-pong routing and multi-layer packet encapsulations in nested NEMO and proposes an optimisation scheme for the nested NEMO.It changes the MR packets nested forwarding way used in basic NEMO protocol.In this solution,the data forwarded from the MR's HA to the MR can be directly redirected to the foreign network that is connected to this nested NEMO,so as to reduce the times of nesting,make small-scale switching update packets within the NEMO,and reduce the switching delays.Analysis shows that compared with the NEMO basic support protocol,the optimised solution has effectively solved the problem of NEMO routing optimisation,and has improved the efficiency of packet transmission.
作者 吴虎 陆建德
出处 《计算机应用与软件》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第3期42-45,共4页 Computer Applications and Software
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(61070170)
关键词 路由优化 嵌套网络 NEMO协议 切换时延 移动路由器 家乡代理 Routing optimisation Nested network NEMO protocol Switching delay Mobile router Home agent
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