
血浆硫化氢在急性胰腺炎损伤中的作用 被引量:5

Plasma hydrogen sulfide levels and its roles in acute pancreatitis
摘要 目的探讨血浆硫化氢(H_2S)在急性胰腺炎损伤中的作用。方法 30例正常人和103例急性胰腺炎患者用分光光度法检测血浆硫化氢的浓度,同时,急性胰腺炎患者作上腹部CT扫描并按CT严重指数计分分级(CTseverity index,CTSI),根据临床表现APACHEⅡ评分和CT严重指数计分分级,分为急性重症胰腺炎(severe acute pancreatitis,SAP)34例,急性轻症胰腺炎(mild acute pancreatitis,MAP)69例。结果急性胰腺炎组血浆H_2S显著高于正常人组(77.13±11.25μmol/L,vs 45.08±9.86μmol/L,P<0.05),重症急性胰腺炎组与轻症组有显著差异(77.13±11.25μmol/L vs 51.87±14.43μmol/L,P<0.05)。急性胰腺炎组血浆H_2S与急性胰腺炎CT严重指数积分呈正相关(r=0.639,P<0.05)。结论急性胰腺炎患者血浆H_2S与急性胰腺炎炎症损伤程度有关,并可能是引起急性胰腺炎损伤的重因素之一。 Objective To investigate plasma hydrogen sulfide (H2S) levels and its roles in acute pancreatitis (AP). Methods One hundred and three patients with acute pancreatitis and 30 normal controls were enrolled in the study. All patients underwent abdomen CT scan and classified with CT severity index (CTSI), there were 34 cmases of severe acute pancreatitis(SAP) and 69 cmases of mild acute pancreatitis (MAP). The plasma H2S concentrations were determined with spectrophotometry in patients and controls. Results The plasma H2 S levels of AP group was significantly higher than those of control group [ ( 77.13 ± 11.25 ) μmol/L vs (45.08 ± 9.86 ) μmol/L, P 〈 0.05 ]. Plasma H2 S levels in SAP group were markedly higher than those in MAP group[(77.13 ± 11.25) μmol/L vs (51.87 ± 14.43) μmol/L, P 〈 0.05 ]. plasma H2S levels were positively correlated with CTSI in AP patients (r = 0. 639, P 〈 0.05). Conclusion There is a significant correlation between plasma H2S levels and acute pancreatitis injury, which indicates that H2S may be involved in the pathogenesis of acute pancreatitis.
出处 《同济大学学报(医学版)》 CAS 2012年第1期94-95,104,共3页 Journal of Tongji University(Medical Science)
关键词 血浆硫化氢 急性胰腺炎 炎症损伤 plasma hydrogen sulfide pancreatitis inflammatory injury
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