目的探讨眼部干涩、视力疲劳、异物感等不适症状与干眼的关系。方法对初次就诊于我院门诊,以视疲劳、异物感及眼干涩等症状为主诉的95例患者,进行裂隙灯、泪膜破裂时间、泪液分泌试验、角膜荧光素染色及睑板腺检查,并对其结果进行分析。结果 95例患者中,泪膜破裂时间异常者19例(20%),Schirmer I test异常者14例(14.7%),角膜荧光素染色异常者11例(11.6%),睑板腺开口阻塞12例(12.6%)。确诊干眼患者11例,男性3例(糖尿病患者1例,高血压病患者2例),女性8例(糖尿病、高血压、干燥综合征及更年期者各2例)。结论干眼症状与多种因素有关,在以干眼症状为主诉的患者中仅有少数可以被确诊为干眼。
OBJECTIVE To discuss the relationship between the symptoms such as dryness, asthenopia and foreign body sensation, and dry eye syndrome. METHODS Ninety-five cases, initially visited our hospital's clinic with the symptoms of asthenopia, dryness and foreign body sensation in the eyes, were undertaken slitlamp, breakup time of tear film(BUT), Schirmer I test, corneal fluorescein staining and meibomain gland examinations and then the results were analysed. RESULTS Among 95 cases, 19 (20%)were BUT abnormal, 14 ( 14.7% ) abnormal in SchirmerI test, 11 (11.6%)abnormal in corneal fluorescein stain- ing, and 12 (12.6%)with obstruction of tarsal glands openings. Eleven were diagnosed dry eye syndrome among which 3 were male with 1 diabetes and 2 hypertension patients, while among the 8 females there were 2 diabetes, 2 hypertension, 2 xerosis and 2 menopause syndrome. CONCLUSIONS Dry eye symptoms are correlated with many factors. Only small number of patients complained mainly with dry eye symptoms could be diagnosed as dry eye syndrome.
China Journal of Chinese Ophthalmology
dry eye syndrome
foreign body sensation