介绍了国家1∶50 000数据库更新工程元数据库设计方案和建库方法。在分析1∶50 000数据库更新成果元数据基础上,从应用需求出发,面向"符合标准、满足应用、适于共享"的元数据建库目标,采用XML技术归纳设计3种元数据应用模式和内容规范,制定元数据建库方法与流程,建设1∶50 000数据库更新工程元数据库。在此基础上建设完成面向管理应用的基于内网C/S结构的元数据管理系统,面向分发业务应用的基于内网B/S结构的浏览查询系统,面向共享服务的基于互联网的元数据服务系统,方便各类用户在不同场景查询使用1∶50 000数据库更新工程成果。
The paper discussed the design and construction of metadata database for national 1: 50000 database updating project. Based on the analysis of metadata for national 1:50000 database updating results, using XMI, technology, from the application point of view, we designed three kinds of metadata and their content standards, developed methods of building database, and finished the construction of the metadata database. We also built an lntranet- based metadata management and query system, an Internet-based metadata service system to facilitate the using and querying of 1:50000 database updating project results.
Geomatics World