12点(次)省区试和生产试验结果表明,川蔗26号的平均出苗率为41.94%,比对照(华南54-11)高2.27%;平均分蘖率为66.13%,比对照高4.46%;平均株高为256 cm,比对照高20 cm;平均茎径为3.17 cm,比对照大0.20 cm;平均有效茎为61545株/hm2,比对照多7605株/hm2;平均单株重达2.0181kg/株,比对照重0.3783 kg/株;平均甘蔗单产达125400 kg/hm2,比对照高35970 kg/hm2,增产40.22%;平均蔗汁抽出率为79.29%,比对照高1.04%;平均蔗汁蔗糖分为13.15%,比对照高0.53%,故其清爽甘甜而令消费者喜爱;平均甘蔗纤维分为6.90%,比对照低0.18%,故其蔗茎松软泡脆;还原糖与对照种相当;其茎色紫红,蔗茎粗大,故其卖相好而市场竞争力很强;平均田间锤度为16.87%,比对照高0.58%;甘蔗蔗糖分平均为12.20%,比对照高0.27%:甘蔗含糖量平均达14910 kg/hm2,比对照多4875 kg/hm2,增产48.58%;抗倒性极强,抗旱性较强,高抗甘蔗黑穗病,还抗甘蔗褐条病及甘蔗花叶病,轻感甘蔗梢腐病;较抗甘蔗二点螟等甘蔗害虫;抗寒性较差;宿根性较差。所以,川蔗26号是一个农艺、产量、商品和工艺等多数性状优良的高产、优质、具有多种抗性、品质与Badila接近的优良果蔗品种。
The result of Provincial Region Tests and Productive Trials in 12 points (times) indicated that the mean emergence rate (average, the same below) of CZ 26 was 41.91% and 2.27% higher than that of the check variety HN 54-11. The mean tillering rate was 66.13% and 4.46% higher. The mean plant height was 256 cm and 20 cm higher. The mean diameter was 3.17 cm and 0.20 cm larger. The millable stalks were 61545 stalks/hm^2 and 7605 stalks/hmz more. The mean stalk weight was 2.0181 kg/stalk and 0.3783 kg/stalk heavier. The mean yield was 125400 kg/hm^2 and 35970 kg/hm: and 40.22% higher. The mean extraction ratio of juice was 79.29% and 1.04% higher. The mean sucrose content in juice was 13.15% and 0.53% higher. The cane juice was liked very much by consumers for its tasty and sweetness. The mean fiber percentage was 6.90% and 0.18% lower, therefore the stalk was very soft and crisp. The reducing sugar was corresponding with the check variety. The color of stalk is purplish red, and as a result, the exterior appearance was pleasing, increasing its competitiveness in market. The mean Brix in field was 16.87° Bx and 0.58 °Bx higher (absolute value). The mean sucrose in cane was 12.20% and 0.27% higher (absolute value). The mean sugar yield was 14910 kg/hm^2 and 4875 kg/hm^2 more and 48.58% higher. The lodging-resistance was very strong; the drought-resistance was stronger. CZ 26 has the highest resistance to smut, and resistance to brown stripe and mosaic but it was infected lightly with top rop. The resistance to borer was stronger but the cold resistance and perennial characteristics were poorer. So CZ 26 was a improved chewing cane variety with high quality, high yield, multi-resistance. Its quality was similar to Badila, a chewing cane variety with good agronomic, yielding, commercial and technological characters.
Sugarcane and Canesugar
CZ 26
Agronomic characters
Yield characters
Commercial characters
Technological characters.