
Experimental Evaluation of the Post-ultimate Strength Behavior of a Ship's Hull Girder in Waves 被引量:7

Experimental Evaluation of the Post-ultimate Strength Behavior of a Ship's Hull Girder in Waves
摘要 Experimental investigations into the collapse behavior of a box-shape hull girder subjected to extreme wave-induced loads are presented.The experiment was performed using a scaled model in a tank.In the middle of the scaled model,sacrificial specimens with circular pillar and trough shapes which respectively show different bending moment-displacement characteristics were mounted to compare the dynamic collapse characteristics of the hull girder in waves.The specimens were designed by using finite element(FE)-analysis.Prior to the tank tests,static four-point-bending tests were conducted to detect the load-carrying capacity of the hull girder.It was shown that the load-carrying capacity of a ship including reduction of the capacity after the ultimate strength can be reproduced experimentally by employing the trough type specimens.Tank tests using these specimens were performed under a focused wave in which the hull girder collapses under once and repetitive focused waves.It was shown from the multiple collapse tests that the increase rate of collapse becomes higher once the load-carrying capacity enters the reduction path while the increase rate is lower before reaching the ultimate strength.
出处 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2012年第1期34-43,共10页 船舶与海洋工程学报(英文版)
基金 Supported by the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports, and Culture, Grant-in-aid for Scientific Research (A), (23246150), 2011
关键词 post-ultimate strength collapse behavior experimental evaluation load-carrying capacity hull girder 波浪诱导载荷 极限强度 行为评价 船体梁 实验船 四点弯曲试验 承载能力 缩尺模型
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