
知识溢出理论的研究进展与述评 被引量:8

A Review on the Theory of Knowledge Spillover and its Research Developments
摘要 知识溢出的提出最早可以追溯到Marshall对外部性的讨论,自新经济地理理论以来,知识溢出更成为了近年来研究区域经济学增长、产业集群创新等领域不可缺少的变量。首先,通过回顾国内外学者对知识溢出的研究,发现知识的非竞争性和部分排他性是知识溢出现象发生的根本原因,产业内知识溢出和产业间知识溢出在产业发展的不同阶段具有程度各异的影响;其次,因地理距离和社会距离的存在,限制了局部区域知识的外溢,知识溢出具有空间局域性特征。在一定范围内,人力资本流动、商品贸易、FDI、合作研发、非正式交流等活动均成为了知识溢出的途径。尽管知识溢出是无意识的行为,但知识在流动中留下了可追溯的痕迹,并可通过知识生产函数法、专利引用文献法、C-H模型进行测量。最后,文中还展望了知识溢出在解释企业创新决策行为、产业集群创新、区域经济增长等方面的应用,并指出下一个研究方向。 Knowledge spillovers can be traced back to the earliest Marshall's externalities discussion.From the new economic geography theory,knowledge spillovers research in recent years becomes a key element in the regional economic growth and industrial clusters research.Firstly,through the review of domestic and foreign research,we found that the uncompetitive and part of the exclusive characteristic is the cause of knowledge spillovers,within and between industry knowledge spillovers have different influence in different stages.Secondly,because of the existence of geography distance and social distance,knowledge can be transfer in local area.In a certain distance,the human capital flows,merchandise trade,FDI,cooperation development,informal exchange promote spillovers.Although knowledge spillovers is unconscious behavior,but knowledge in flow left traces,and can be measured by knowledge production function method,patent references method,C-H model method.Finally,this paper also discussed the knowledge spillover in the enterprise innovation decision-making,industrial clusters innovation,regional economic growth.and points out the next research direction.
作者 郭嘉仪
出处 《技术经济与管理研究》 2012年第3期25-29,共5页 Journal of Technical Economics & Management
关键词 知识溢出 企业创新 产业集群 区域经济 创新决策 经济增长 Knowledge spillover Enterprise innovation Industry cluster Regional economic Innovative decision Economic growth
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