

An Epidemiological investigation on therapeutic status of apical periodontitis in adult population in Hefei
摘要 目的了解合肥市成年人的根尖周病治疗情况,并分析治疗因素对根尖周病患病的影响。方法采用整群抽样方法对合肥市2 038例16~45岁年龄段的社会人群中根尖周病的治疗状况进行调查。应用SPSS17.0软件对患病情况的调查结果进行统计学分析。结果本研究共检查牙齿50 770颗,其中经过牙髓病治疗的牙齿为8 998颗,经治率为17.7%。其中患有根尖周病的牙齿为4 550颗,患病比例为50.6%。单因素分析发现根管充填质量、根管桩以及全冠修复体对根尖周病的患病有明显的影响(P<0.05)。Logistic多因素分析发现根管充填完善有助于减少根尖周病的发生(OR=0.316),而根管桩的存在则会增加根尖周病的发生(OR=2.105)。结论根管充填完善、无根管桩并且有全冠修复体的患牙,根尖周病的预后更良好。 Objective To investigate the treatment state of apical periodontitis(AP) in adult population in Hefei.Methods The cluster sampling was used for this study.SPSS 1 7 software package was used to analyze the data.Results A total of 50770 teeth were examined.The total number of endodontically treated teeth was 8998(17.7%),and 4550(50.6%) had apical periodontitis(AP).The prevalence of AP with inadequate root filling was 54.6%,Teeth with crown restoration had an low AP prevalence of 37.4%.AP was 67.4% in teeth with intracanal posts The logistic regression analysis showed that the risk factors of apical periodontitis was related to the intracanal posts,On the other hand,the protective factor was adequate root filling.Conclusion Teeth with adequate root filling,crown restoration and without intracanal posts have a low prevalence of apical periodontitis.
出处 《安徽医学》 2012年第2期208-210,共3页 Anhui Medical Journal
基金 合肥市科技局重点资助项目(合科[2008](1004)号)
关键词 根尖周病 流行病学调查 影像学检查 Apical periodontitis Epidemiology investigation Radiology
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