2Watkins, J.W.N. Philosophy and Politics in Hobbes, In K.C.Brown (ed.) Hobbes Studies, Cambridge, 1965. p.245.
3Bobert P. Kraynak, Hobbes on Barbarism and Civilization, In Journal of politics, Vol. 45, 1983.
4Thomas Hobbes, Dialogue between a Philosopher and a Student of the Common laws of England, In William Molesworth(ed. ) The English Works of Thomas Hobbes, Vol.Ⅳ London, 1997. p. 191.
5Thomas Hobbes, On the Citizen中国政法大学出版社,2003年.P.69.
6Thomas Hobbes, Dialogue between a Philosopher and a Student of the Common Laws of England, In William Molesworth(ed. ) The English Works of Thomas Hobbes, Vol.Ⅳ. London, 1997.p. 190.
7Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan , London 1651 .p.416.
8Bobert P. Kraynak, Hobbes on Barbarism and Civilization, In Journal of polities, Vol.45, 1983.
9Robert P. Kraynak History and Modernity in the Thought of Thomas Hobbes, Cormell University Press 1990. p. 147.
10Thomas Hobbes, Behemoth, In William Molesworth (ed.) The English Works of Thomas Hobbes, Vol.Ⅵ London, 1997.p.278- 279.