
WSN中基于分簇的改进路由协议 被引量:12

Improved Routing Protocol Based on Clustering in WSN
摘要 LEACH协议的非均匀分簇会造成网络节点能耗分布不均衡。为此,提出一种基于分簇的改进LEACH路由协议。根据节点剩余能量以及节点到基站的距离选举簇首,依据接收信号强度确定簇成员节点,并且成簇规模不得超过最大成员数。采用在簇首与基站之间建立多跳路由树的方法,向基站发送数据。仿真结果证明,改进协议能均衡网络负载,提高网络运行周期。 Aiming at the problem that non-uniform clustering of LEACH protocol causes the imbalance of energy consumption for network nodes,the notion of considering both the residual energy and distance between the node and the base station in the election of cluster headers is proposed in the paper.Cluster members are determined based on Received Signal Strength Indicator(RSSI),the number of which can not exceed members of the largest number.A method of establishing a hierarchical routing tree considering both the residual energy and distance between the cluster header and the base station between the cluster headers and base station is used for data transmission.Results of simulation indicate that the improved protocol can balance the network load and enhance the network operation cycle.
作者 韩万强 刘云
出处 《计算机工程》 CAS CSCD 2012年第5期105-107,113,共4页 Computer Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61071076)
关键词 路由协议 簇首 无线传感器网络 分簇 剩余能量 MATLAB仿真 routing protocol cluster header Wireless Sensor Network(WSN) clustering residential energy Matlab simulation
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