随着公众对环境问题的日益关注 ,沃尔沃在其公司内部实施了环境管理系统 ,符合IS014000标准及欧洲环境管理与稽核法案(EMAS)的严格规定。沃尔沃环境管理系统作用于整个价值链 ,不仅应用于生产系统 ,而且应用于商业过程。沃尔沃的环境管理系统还包括对雇员的环境教育 ,产品的环境技术公告等。
Witsh the abroad public attention to environment problems,Volve carried out environment management system inside corporation.This EMS can accord with the strict standard of ISO14000 and Europe Environment Management and Auditing System(EMAS).Volve′s EMS acts on the entire value chain.It was applied not only in product system,but also in business process.Volve′s EMS also includes employee environment education and product environment technology bulletin,etc..
World Environment