针对深圳湾游艇项目填海和港池清淤产生泥沙上浮可能对附近水域造成的环境影响 ,对填海和清淤形成的悬移质泥沙源强进行了分析计算。在根据作者研制的垂直平均二维潮流边界通用模型进行潮流模拟的基础上 ,采用二维悬移质泥沙迁移模型 ,对填海和清淤过程中伴随潮流涨落的泥沙增量分布进行了模拟预测。对附近水域泥沙悬浮的影响历时进行了估算。为该项目环境影响评价提供了科学依据。
The projects of Shenzhen Yacht Club include building a 80 m×70 m new land by filling the coast of Nantou in Shenzhen Bay and clearing up sea bed silt in the project site, which causes inevitably the environmental problems with the increase of the content of the suspended solids in the nearby water. In this paper, the suspended solids sources during the engineering construction were found. Using a two dimensional sediment transport model, the distributions of the sediment concentration increment were predicted based on the modeling tidal current by a general two dimensional hydrodynamic model developed by the author. The deposit duration of the suspended solids with different sizes in different water depth was calculated. The results given in this paper provide a basis for the environmental assessment for the project.
Marine Environmental Science