
负压封闭引流结合冲洗治疗慢性腹壁窦道的初步观察 被引量:3

Application of vacuum assisted closure combined with irrigation for chronic abdominal sinus
摘要 目的 探讨负压封闭吸引结合冲洗对慢性腹壁窦道的临床疗效.方法 对11例慢性腹壁窦道患者给予负压封闭吸引结合窦道冲洗治疗,检测治疗前后窦道内病原微生物的变化,观察窦道组织愈合情况,记录冲洗治疗时间及窦道愈合时间.结果 11例慢性腹壁窦道患者全部愈合,应用负压封闭引流时间平均为(13.8±8.4)d,皮肤愈合时间为(25.5±12.4)d.术后对7例患者随访3个月,无复发,余4例患者失访.结论 采用负压封闭吸引结合冲洗能够有效控制慢性腹壁窦道感染,促进坏死组织及异物排除,促进腹壁窦道愈合. Objective To explore the clinical effect of vaccumm assisted closure (VAC) combined with intro sinus rinsing for the treatment of chronic abdominal sinus. Methods Totally 11 patients with chronic ab- dominal sinus recived VAC combined sinus rinsing therapy, and we detected the bacteria change in abdominal sinus, noted the time of VAC application and heal. Results Abdominal sinus in all 11 patients healed uneventfully after an average application of VAC for ( 13.8 ± 8.4) days, the skin at (25.5 ± 12.4) days after initial treat- ment. Seven patients were fellow-up for three months , without recurrence, except four patients lost follow-up. Conclusion Application of VAC combined with intro sinus rinsing can effectivelly control infection, induce nec- rotic tissue dischargment and wound healing.
机构地区 [
出处 《中国美容整形外科杂志》 CAS 2012年第3期156-159,共4页 Chinese Journal of Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery
关键词 腹壁窦道 负压封闭引流 创面冲洗 Abdominal sinus Vacuum assisted closure Wound rinsing
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