
胫骨内侧平台塌陷骨折对膝关节接触应力影响的实验研究 被引量:1

Effect of articular step-off on knee joint contact pressures in fractures of the medial tibial plateau
摘要 目的探讨胫骨内侧平台塌陷骨折对膝关仃接触应力的影响。方法选取8具成人防腐膝关节标本,先后造成胫骨内侧平台塌陷0、1、2、3mm的骨折塌陷模删(Schatzker IV骨折),应用压敏片技术测量膝关节主要负重区域的接触应力变化。结果胫骨内侧平台塌陷0、1、2、3mm时内侧接触应力分别为(4.04±0.17)MPa、(4.57±0.20)MPa、(5.64±0.20)MPa、(5.64±0.19)MPa,外侧接触应力分别为(3.34±0.05)MPa、(3.48±0.06)MPa、(4.19±0.05)MPa、(4.19±0.04)MPa。当胫骨内侧平台塌陷2mm时,内、外侧接触应力与塌陷0mm时相比分别增加了39.6%和25.4%,差异均仃统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论胫骨内侧乎白骨折塌陷≥2mm时,应给予复位内固定;胫骨内侧平台骨折塌陷〈2mm时,可考虑保守治疗。 Objective To study the effect of articular step-off on knee joint contact pressures in fractures of the medial tibial plateau. Methods Eight specimens of eml)almed adult knee joint were used to establish models of articular step-off of the medial tibial plateau by 0, 1, 2, 3 mm respectively (Schatzker IV fracture) . The technique of pressure sensitive fihn was used to measure the contact pressures on the weight-bearing area of the knee joint in the 3 models. Results When the step-offs of medial tibial plateau were 0, 1, 2, 3 ram, the average contact pressures on the lateral compartment were respectively 3.34 ± 0.06 MPa. 3.48±0.06 MPa, 4. 19 ±0.05 MPa, 4. 19 ±0.04 MPa, while the average contact pressures on the medial coMPartment were 4.04 ±0. 17 MPa, 4.57 ±0. 20 MPa, 5.64 ±0.20 MPa, 5.64 -0. 19 MPa. Wheu the step-off of medial tibial plateau was 2 mm, the average contact pressures on the medial and lateral plateaus increased by 39.6% and 25.4% compared with the 0 mm step-off, with statistically significant differences ( P 〈 O. 05). Conclusions If the step-off of the medial tibial plateau reaches ≥ 2mm, open reduction and internal fixation should be indicated to prevent secondary, traumatic arthritis. When the step-off of the medial tibial plateau is 〈 2 mm, conservative treatment ean be a proper choice.
作者 李哲 潘进社
出处 《中华创伤骨科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第3期228-231,共4页 Chinese Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma
基金 河北省医学科学研究中的课题计划(20110102)
关键词 胫骨 骨折 膝关节 应力 物理 生物力学 Tibia Fractures Knee joints Stress, mechanical Biomechanics
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