
磁共振成像评估盆腔器官脱垂状态的临床意义 被引量:2

Clinical significance of the anatomical landmarks of dynamic magnetic resonance imaging for assessing pelvic organ prolapse
摘要 目的对采用盆腔动态磁共振成像(MRI)评价女性盆腔器官脱垂(POP)的临床研究进行系统综述。方法利用关键词检索技术和定义的纳入及排除标准,选取采用动态MRI评价POP,并将评价结果与国际尿控协会(ICS)推荐的POP-Q评分结果进行比较的临床研究。结果一共纳入符合标准的临床研究11篇,全部研究共用了6种MRI参考线。结论仅有少数的研究将MRI结果与POP-Q结果进行比较。在POP患者后盆腔评估方面,动态MRI可能比妇科检查更有临床意义,而在前盆腔和中盆腔的评估方面,两者无明显差异。 Objective To provide a systematic review of clinical studies on POP staging with use of dynamic MRI.Methods The databases were searched.Clinical studies were included in case they compared POP stages as assessed by dynamic MRI with pelvic organ prolapse quantitation(pelvic organ prolapse quantitation).Results Eleven studies were included,which made use of six different reference lines.Conclusions The available evidence suggests that prolapse assessment using dynamic MRI may be useful in the posterior compartment,but has no significant value in assess anterior and central compartment prolapse.
出处 《中国妇产科临床杂志》 2012年第2期96-99,共4页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology
关键词 磁共振成像 盆腔器官脱垂 评价 POP-Q magnetic resonance imaging pelvic organ prolapse assessment pelvic organ prolapse quantitation
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