

Study on the Risk Factors and Prognosis of Delirium in Elderly Patients after Stroke
摘要 谵妄是住院老年病人中一种常见的行为异常状态。表现为急性起病,病程波动,伴有意识、定向力、记忆力和认知功能障碍的行为状态。目前国内对谵妄的研究主要集中在外科手术后、感染、电解质紊乱等方面,对老年卒中后谵妄方面的研究甚少。有观点认为谵妄症状消除后患者可完全恢复,其实不然,国外研究发现,许多谵妄患者,尤其是老年淡漠型谵妄,其预后更差。鉴于此,本文就老年卒中后谵妄的诱因及预后等方面作~综述。 Delirium is a common behavioral disorder in elderly inpatients. It is characterized by disturbances in consciousness, orientation, memory, thought, perception and behavior. And acute onset and fluctuating course also characterize the delirium. At present many studies about delirium mainly focus on postoperation, infection and electrolyte imbalance other than delirium in elderly patients with stroke. Some foreign studies have found that many delirium patients have poorer prognosis. In this paper risk factors and prognosis of delirium in elderly patients with stroke are reviewed.
作者 陈延雷 陈峥
出处 《国际老年医学杂志》 2012年第2期84-88,共5页 International Journal of Geriatrics
关键词 老年卒中 谵妄 危险因素 预后 Elderly stroke Delirium Risk factors Prognosis
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