
生产控制模式对我国加工贸易企业生产率的影响——基于六省(市)加工贸易企业水平调查数据的计量分析 被引量:6

The Effects of Production-Control Modes on Processing Firms′ Productivity in China:An Analysis based on Survey Data from Six Provinces in East-South Coastal China
摘要 本文基于六省(市)加工贸易企业水平调查数据对加工贸易生产控制模式(企业所有权、采购权和销售权的配置模式)同生产效率的关系进行了计量分析。结果表明,同跨国企业参与加工贸易企业程度越高则该加工贸易企业生产率更高的直觉想悖,在给定采购权和销售权配置的情况下,外商独资企业生产效率最低,合资企业生产效率最高。在其他权力配置给定的情况下,采购权或者销售权掌握在中方手中比掌握在外方手中效率更高。这意味着外商独资加工贸易的快速发展并不能带来中国加工贸易生产技术和效率的快速提升,它们不可能成为将来中国加工贸易转型升级的主体。 The changes of the main bodies,the enterprise forms and the patterns of the processing trade in China implies the allocations of the ownership,the purchasing right,and the sale right of final products among various parties in Chinese processing firms,which affects their productivity.This article analyzes the production-control modes of processing firms and their effects on their productivity based on firm-level survey data from six South-East costal provinces in China.It shows that a processing firm owns the lowest productivity if the foreign party owns the firm,given the purchasing right and the sale right allocated,while it owns the highest productivity if the Chinese party owns the purchasing right or the sale right,given the other rights allocated.This result implies that the rapid development of foreign-owned processing firms does not promote the rapid development of production technology and productivity of processing trade in China,and the current FDI policy shall be adjusted.
出处 《世界经济研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第3期46-52,88,共7页 World Economy Studies
基金 "上海市高校人文社会科学重点研究基地上海对外贸易学院国际经济贸易研究所"研究基金 国家社会科学基金项目"我国加工贸易企业生产控制模式研究"(项目编号:08BJL048) 教育部哲学社会科学青年基金项目(项目编号:09YJCZH074)" 上海市教委创新项目(项目编号:10YS168)资助
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