
连接函数下部件相依可修系统的可靠性分析 被引量:1

Reliability analysis of components dependency repairable system under connect function
摘要 将Copula函数应用到部件相依可修系统的可靠性分析中,刻画出两相依部件组成的串联系统的寿命分布,实现单部件可修系统的虚拟化;利用增加变量法将虚拟单部件可修系统转化为马尔可夫可修系统,计算出系统的可靠性指标。通过算例验证了所讨论思路的有效性。 Apply the Copula function to analyzing the reliability of the repairable system with dependent components and characterize the lifetime distribution of the series system which is composed of two dependent components, and realize the single-unit repairable sys- tem virtualization. The virtual single-unit repairable system can be transformed into Markov repairable system by adding variables, and ultimately the reliability of the system is calculated. It shows the effectiveness of discussion threads through an example.
作者 姜琦 钟波
出处 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 2012年第9期51-53,共3页 Computer Engineering and Applications
基金 重庆大学中央高校基本科研业务费科研专项研究生科技创新基金(No.CDJXS10100032)
关键词 COPULA函数 可靠性 相依 Copula functions reliability dependency
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