
宋元之际上海的兴起 被引量:8

The Flouring in Shanghai during Song and Yuan Dynasties
摘要 上海在宋末由村设镇,元初由镇升县,迅速崛起。上海设镇时间在宋理宗淳祐十一年(1251年)到宝祐四年(1256年)之间,最有可能是1255年。上海主要是在长江三角洲取代了江阴的地位,因而得以兴起,而非前人认为上海取代华亭县内青龙镇的地位。宋末上海市舶分司兼管上海镇,上海市舶分司长官有蔡起莘、陈壁,其中蔡起莘也是上海的武官,由提举上海市舶分司兼任上海监镇,江阴市舶务在1255年裁并。宋末上海长官兼管海防,辖有招安海盗张瑄的船队,职务重要。元初上海的因漕立县,主要体现在豪族聚居与漕粮激增这两方面。漕运豪族是上海县的支配者,与上海县互相依存。宋末和元初上海迅速发展的经济基础都是航运业,宋元之际的上海发展是连贯一体的。 Shanghai grew up rapidly along with the upgrading of the administrative level turned into town from village in late Song Dynasty and raised to county in early Yuan Dynasty. This article pointed out the specific time Shanghai became into a town between 1251 and 1256, most likely in 1255 that had not been solved by any other former researchers, and put forward the point that the risen Shanghai replaced the status of Jiangyin in Yangtze River delta rather than Qinglong town for Jiangyin Shibo Business was dismissed in the year 1255. Shanghai Shibo Branching was also in charge of Shanghai town in late Song Dynasty. The author made a research into Cai Qixin and Chen Bi, both were officers of Shanghai Shi Bo Fen Si, finding that Cai Qixin was also a military officer which confirmed that Ti Ju of Shanghai Shi Bo Fen Si also took up the position of Shanghai Jian Zhen as the former researchers pointed out Jia Rong, also a military officer, was appointed Ti Ju of Shanghai Shi Bo Fen Si. The official of Shanghai was crucial because they dominated Zhang Xuan's fleet, the capitulant pirate, and shouldered the responsibility of coast defending. With the inhabitating of masses of wealthy and influential families the dominator of Shanghai, interdependent with the city the proliferating of the tribute grain and the developing of the water transport, Shanghai rose to a county in early Yuan Dynasty. Shipping industry formed the economic base of the speedy consecutive development of Shanghai from the late Song Dynasty to the early Yuan Dynasty.
作者 周运中
机构地区 厦门大学历史系
出处 《学术月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第3期124-130,共7页 Academic Monthly
关键词 上海 江阴 市舶分司 漕运 华亭 松江 Shanghai, Jiangyin, Shibo Branching, water transport, Huating, Songjiang
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