
《民报》阵营分野与辛亥革命前后政治舆论的媒介镜像 被引量:2

Min Bao Camp Distinction and the Media Mirror of Public Opinion about Politics around the Revolution of 1911
摘要 辛亥革命前后的政治舆论动员涉及"革命"学理论证。《民报》作为话语系统,其对革命的表述策略在政治宣传中有集中的表现。《民报》被查禁本属媒介事件,引发巨大反响,并迅速演化成政治事件。查禁前后的政治语境及其相联系的舆论氛围尤其值得重视。章太炎主持下的《民报》逐步改变了早期激进与和缓的折中的办报路线,益发地偏左。这涉及革命阵营内部老同盟会与原光复会之间的分野,特别是孙中山与章太炎之间的矛盾。后来者常据此将《民报》停刊完全归结革命思想分歧的产物,实际上,《民报》的停刊有着更为广阔的政治背景,它关联世界范围内远东政治格局的变迁。面对中美、中日、美日关系联动中的利益抉择,为避免将清廷推向美国的怀抱,日本对清廷及革命者采取了均势外交策略。这亦是《民报》第二十四号暂时停刊的重要原委。《民报》被查禁事件发生在辛亥革命前夕,《民报》被查禁的历程及局内、局外人解读,反映出革命元首与政治资源获取、日本外交策略及其对华政治舆论控制等种种联动关系造成复杂纠结的历史变数。 Around the Revolution of 1911, the mobilization of public opinion about politics was related to the revolutionary theory. Min Bao, as a language system, its representation of the revolution in political propaganda strategy had focused on performance. Its prohibition triggering a huge response, and quickly evolved into a political event. The political context and its associated atmosphere of public opinion around the prohibition should be particularly noteworthy. Min Bao which led by Zhang Taiyan use a compromised way to express their opinion, but now they gradually changed their routes of the early radical and moderate compromise the newspaper route, all the more to left. This involves the revolutionary camp within the old League and the original distinction between the Restoration Society, especially the conflict between Sun Zhongshan and Zhang. Newcomers often under which the Min Bao ceased entirely attributed to differences in the product of revolutionary ideas, in fact, Min Bao and ceased publication with the broader political context, it is related to the worldwide political landscape changes in the Far East. The face of America, Japan, US-Japan relations in the interests of joint decision, in order to avoid the Qing into the arms of the United States, Japan adopted a balance of power imperial and revolutionary foreign policy. This is the important to the whole story about Min Bao's temporarily suspended for 24. The incident occured in the eve of the Revolution of 1911, when explored the "people's tribune" banned within the course and the Bureau, an outsider interpretation, we can see heads of state and political resources for the revolution, China, Japan's foreign policy and its various political and media control linkage relationshipsresulting in a complex tangle of history variables.
作者 王天根
出处 《学术月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第3期131-143,共13页 Academic Monthly
关键词 《民报》被查禁 辛亥革命 媒介事件 政治事件 Min Bao banned, the Revolution of 1911 media events, political events
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