
易利用碳的添加对厨余堆肥水溶性碳氮的影响 被引量:1

Effects of Available Carbon on Water Soluble Carbon and Water Soluble Nitrogen during Composting of Food Wastes
摘要 [目的]探讨易利用碳(蔗糖)的添加对厨余垃圾堆肥水溶性碳氮等理化性质的影响。[方法]堆肥化试验采用静态好氧工艺,通风量为0.03 m3/(kg.h)。堆肥设3个处理,其对应的厨余与易利用碳的干基比分别为1.0∶0、1.0∶0.2和1.0∶0.5。[结果]易利用碳加入量越多,堆体初始水溶性碳的值越高,堆肥冷凝水pH的酸化期越长,厨余混合物CO2-C的释放率越低,堆肥小分子有机酸等形式的碳损失越剧烈。易利用碳加入量越多,堆制后堆肥氮的可溶态比例越高,并且其堆肥水溶性氮中的有机氮比例越高,水溶性氨氮的比例越小。[结论]从减少堆肥氨挥发、维持适宜的堆肥效率、堆肥无生物毒性等方面考虑,少量添加易利用碳的堆肥过程较理想。 [ Objective] The physicochemical properties of water soluble carbon and water soluble nitrogen during the composting of food wastes with different available carbon were investigated. [ Method] The static aerobic process was used in a food waste composting experiment. The ventilation was 0.03 m^3/( kg · h). Dry mass ratio of food wastes to available carbon was different. Three kinds of ratio ( defined as To,T1 and T2 ) were used and they were 1.0: 0,1.0:0.2 and 1.0: 0.5. [ Result ] At the beginning, more available carbon addition, the amount of water soluble carbon in each experimentation was higher, the acidperiod of condensate water was longer, the amount of CO2-C emission was lower from mixture and loss of carbon in the way of organic acids micromolecule was bigger. After the composting, the ratio of soluble nitrogen became higher, and in this part of nitrogen, organic nitrogen was more, soluble ammonia nitrogen was less. [ Conclusion] From reducing ammonia volatilization, maintaining appropriate efficiency and none biological toxicity considerations, experimentation T1 with a little available carbon addition was better in the process of composting.
作者 杨延梅
出处 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 2012年第9期5409-5412,共4页 Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
基金 重庆市教委科学技术研究项目(2008KJ080409)
关键词 厨余垃圾 堆肥 易利用碳 理化性质 变化 Food wastes Composting Available carbon Physicochemica| properties Changes
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