
充填节理破坏机理及实验 被引量:15

Fracture mechanism and experiment of infilled rock joints
摘要 充填节理的破坏主要有充填物破坏和充填物与节理接触面破坏两种形式,其抗剪强度与最小抗剪部分的强度相同.当充填物破坏时,单独对充填物部分进行受力分析,得到此时的节理抗剪强度公式.讨论了充填节理强度随法向压应力及充填厚度的变化规律:随着法向压应力的增加先增大后减小,但随充填厚度的变化并不十分明显.对不同厚度的砂浆充填节理进行直剪试验.结果表明:其剪切强度与破坏模式有关;在同一破坏模式下,不同充填厚度的节理其剪切强度变化不大. The failure of infilled rock joints can be divided into interface damage and filling damage, which one dominates depends on the stress conditions of the two parts. When the filling was damaged, its plane stress state was analyzed. A theoretical shear strength formula was obtained and the effects of normal stress and filling thickness were studied. With the increase of normal stress the shear strength of infilled rock joints increases first and then decreases, but the influence of filling thickness is not obvious. Some direct shear tests of infilled rock joints were also carried out. The results show that the shear strength is related to the failure modes of the joints, and under the same mode it is independent of filling thickness.
出处 《北京科技大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第3期253-259,共7页 Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing
关键词 充填节理 抗剪强度 充填物 复合模型 破坏模式 infilled rock joints shear strength fillers composite models failure modes
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