In this paper, pollination experiments and the effects of pollination tree on fruitingrate and seed-setting rate of Prunus armeniaca were studied by choosing grafting ‘Weixuanl’as female parent and 4 different apricot tree as male parent. After the choosing suitable meth-od. Pollen viability of‘Weixuanl’ was evaluated by pollen germination test in vitro. It is fea-sibility to test stigma receptivity by the benzidine-H2O2 also. The conclusion is drawn as fol-lows: The self pollination results showed that the self-pollination rate for ‘Weixuanl’was0.84%(〈6%) and ‘Weixuanl' were suggested to be a self-incompatible cultivar, The resultindicated that most it need pollinating variety. Prunus armeniaca L. cv. Katy is the best one a-mong them, The fructification ratio of cross pollination is 25.88%; The viable pollen ratios offour test species were more than 70% and they could pollinate each other under natural condi-tion, The pollen viability was 84.31% for ‘Weixuanl’, but pollen germination rate is low;The sucrose concentration has some effect on pollen germiration, which has a highest germina-tion rate at 10%; The stigma receptivity began enhancing in the time 3 h after anthesis. Thestigma receptivity of ‘Weixuanl’was around 4 days. Optimal pollination period lasted around2 days.
Journal of Hebei Agricultural University