哈尔滨北方森林动物园位于黑龙江省黄金旅游线哈牡公路46 km处。公园占地面积558 hm^2,是国内占地面积最大的森林动物园。园区生态环境优良,植被丰富,森林覆盖率达95.8%以上。2010年6月24~27日期间哈尔滨遭遇了50 a以来最炎热的天气,最高温度在36℃以上。哈尔滨北方森林动物园同笼饲养2只1周岁的东北虎,相继发病,1只在6月24日下午发生急性死亡,从出现症状到死亡只有18 min,未经抢救和治疗就已经死亡,主要临床表现为神经症状和呼吸障碍。另1只东北虎在6月28日也发病,表现出与死亡的虎有类似的临床症状,根据前1只东北虎的剖检症状以及该东北虎的临床表现,初步诊断为中暑,制订了治疗方案,采取了有效措施降低体温、消除脑水肿、调整机体酸碱平衡、增强机体抵抗力,经过3d的静脉输液治疗以及接续的15 d恢复性治疗,该虎的临床症状消失,基本痊愈。
Harbin Northern Forest Zoo is located at a 46 km site along Harbin - Mudanjiang Road, a major transport corridor across Heilongjiang Province. The zoo is the largest forest zoo in China, covering 558 hectares. The zoo has good ecological environments, abundant vegetation, and the forest coverage is 95.8%. From June 24 - 27 2010, Harbin suffered hot weather with a maximum temperature of 36~C, which had not occurred for 50 years. Two one - year - old Siberian tigers kept in thesame cage fell ill successively. On the afternoon of June 24, one died only 18 minutes after the onset of symptoms, and there was no time to perform any rescue or treatment. The main clinical manifestations were neurological and respiratory disorders. On June 28, the other tiger also exhibited pathogenesis, showing clinical symptoms similar to those of the dead tiger. According to the autopsy of the dead tiger and the sick tiger's clinical presentation , we initially made a diagnosis of heatstroke, developeda treatment program, and then adopted a series of treatments, including decreasing the temperature, promoting absorption of brain edema, regulating acid - base balance and strengthening resistibility of the body. These were applied by three days of intravenous infusion and fifteen days of recovery treatment, after which the clinical symptoms disappeared, and the tiger was cured.
Siberian tiger
Diagnosis and prevention