

Effects of Temperature on Experimental Population of Pediobius foveolatus
摘要 为探明瓢虫柄腹姬小蜂适宜的寄生和繁殖温度范围,在实验条件下研究了不同温度(19~34℃)对瓢虫柄腹姬小蜂实验种群的影响.结果表明,随温度的升高,卵-成蜂羽化历期、雌蜂寿命、产卵历期和世代平均历期逐渐缩短,温度从19℃升至为34℃时,卵-成蜂羽化历期从19.31d缩短为9.86d,雌蜂寿命从20.8d缩短为3.3d,产卵历期从5.33d缩短为2.13d,世代平均历期从22.43d缩短为11.37d.在25℃下,每雌蜂寄生数、产子蜂数和产雌蜂数最多,分别为6.17,51.2,38.5头.在25℃下,每雌蜂每d产出雌性后代数最多.在25℃下,净增殖率R0、内禀增长率rm、周限增长率λ亦最大,分别为38.47,0.24,1.27.这些结果显示了适宜该蜂的寄生、繁殖温度在25~28℃之间. To determine the temperature range for parasitism and reproduction of Pedio- bius foveolatus (Crawford), effects of different temperature on population of P. foveolatus under the experimental condition were studied. The result showed, the egg-adult duration, longevity of female, oviposition period and mean generation time of -P. foveolatus decreased and this decrease was associated with the increased temperature. From 19 °C to 34 °C, the egg-adult duration was shortened from 19.31 d for 9.86 d. Longevity of female was short- ened from 20.8 d for 3.3 d. Oviposition period was reduced from 5.33 d for 2.13 d. Mean generation time was decreased from 22.43 d for 11.37 d. The number of hosts parasitized with the number of offspring and the number of female in offspring reached their peaks at 25 °C and was 6.17, 51.2, 38. 5, respectively. The mean female number of offspring/female/ day reached peak at 25 C, the net reproductive rate (R0) , intrinsic rate of natural increase (r.,) and finite rate of increase (2) reached maximum at 25 °C with 38.47, 0.24, 1.27, re- spectively. These results suggest that the optimal temperatures for parasitism and reproduction of P. foveolatus ranged from 25-28 °C.
出处 《福建师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第2期100-103,共4页 Journal of Fujian Normal University:Natural Science Edition
基金 福建省自然科学基金资助项目(2007J0305) 福建省教育厅资助项目(JA11066)
关键词 瓢虫柄腹姬小蜂 实验种群 温度 Pediobius foveolatus experimental population temperature
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