文章对中国古代文化中的重要概念"太一"进行了天文学方面的考察,根据古代文献和考古资料确认了"太一"所对应的具体星象,其年代为公元前7 627年或公元前8 292年前后,而一万年前的山西吉县柿子滩岩画是"太一"的具体证据。并讨论了"太一"星象的演变。
According to the ancient records and archaeological materials,this artide notarized "Tai Yi" as the polar stars in 7 627 BC or 8 292 BC.It is conformed by a rock painting of 10,000 years ago in Shanxi province of China This article also dissuisses the changes of "Tai Yi"astrology.
Journal of Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences(Social Sciences Edition)