一种采用光学多道分析技术配合胃镜快速、无创伤地测定胃粘膜血供参数( 血氧饱和度、血红蛋白和氧合血红蛋白) 的新型装置。介绍了测量原理、仪器结构以及在临床上的一些测量结果,表明仪器在胃体不同部位和胃溃疡部位进行测量,能为临床诊断提供依据。
A new medical device, using a gastroscope and the OMA technology, is intoduced in this paper, It is used to determine the blood supply parameters (oxygen saturation, hemoglobin and onygenated hemoglobin)of gastric mucosa quickly and noninvasiuely.Besides,its testing principles and stucture are described here.The clinical testing resuets obtained from various parts of the stomach and gastric ulcer show that they are very important and very useful informations for clinicd diagnosis.
Chinese Journal of Medical Instrumentation