
广东省社区女性性工作者暴露前药物预防艾滋病的可接受性及影响因素 被引量:2

Acceptability to oral pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV prevention and associated factors among community female sex workers in Guangdong Province
摘要 目的探索社区女性性工作者(female sex workers,FSWs)对暴露前药物预防艾滋病使用意愿及影响因素。方法采用横断面设计,在中山市镇区按分层整群抽样的方法,选取部分镇区FSWs进行问卷调查。内容包括一般人口学特征、艾滋病相关知识和态度、性行为特征、相关暴露史和改良口服暴露前预防药物接受性等。结果共调查277名FSWs,该人群对暴露前药物预防艾滋病干预措施的接受率为72.2%,消除共线性及校正年龄和民族后,多因素Logistic分析显示,可接受性的主要影响因素为药物免费(OR=15.00,P<0.001)、不坚持使用安全套(OR=2.51,P=0.024)、在婚或者同居(OR=2.19,P=0.037)、药物药理得分高(OR=1.13,P=0.014)、来自中低档娱乐场所。结论社区FSWs对暴露前药物预防艾滋病的可接受性较高,中低档娱乐场所的FSWs迫切需要新的艾滋病预防措施。 Objective To study the acceptability to oral pre-exposure prophylaxis(PrEP) for HIV prevention and understand the demographic and behavioral predictors for intent-to-use PrEP.Methods A cross-sectional survey was employed and 277 female sex workers(FSWs) were recruited using stratified cluster sampling.Information on demographic characteristics,HIV related knowledge,attitudes sexual behaviors history of sexually transmitted infection(STI),history of drug use,and PrEP acceptability score were collected using standard questionnaire.Results The proportion of acceptability to PrEP was 72.2%.After controlling for age and race,significant predictors for intent-to-use PrEP included the following: not having to pay for PrEP(OR=15.00,P0.001),inconsistent condom use(OR=2.51,P=0.024),being married or cohabited(OR=2.19,P=0.037),and scores of pharmacology(OR=1.13,P=0.014),being from low-level entertainment places.Conclusions The proportion of acceptability to PrEP among FSWs was high,low-level entertainment places need new preventive measures.
出处 《中华疾病控制杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2012年第3期212-215,共4页 Chinese Journal of Disease Control & Prevention
基金 广东省医学科研基金(A2010062)
关键词 获得性免疫缺陷综合征 化学预防 流行病学研究 Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome Chemoprevention Epidemiologic studies
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