
自然杂交对植物物种生存进化的影响 被引量:6

Effects of Natural Hybridization on Plant Species Survival and Evolution
摘要 自然杂交是一个常见现象,人类活动正加速自然杂交的发生,人类干扰导致的非自然的杂交过程对物种的生存、进化产生许多负面影响,本文根据文献对近年来自然杂交方面的研究进行了综述。自然杂交不仅影响着物种的生存、进化,也对物种的保护问题带来许多理论上与实践上的挑战。杂交与遗传渗入有利于提高物种的遗传多样性,为物种的进化提供原材料。遗传渗入有利于增加物种的适应性变异,甚至导致新的生态型、新物种的产生。但另一方面当小种群与大种群发生杂交时,小种群很易受遗传同化的影响而灭绝。自然杂交对生物学物种概念提出了挑战,自然杂交往往模糊种间边界,形成分类学及系统发育研究中的困难类群。自然杂交能通过强化种间生殖隔离机制来促进类群间的进化趋异,也能导致种间生殖隔离机制的崩溃,引起物种的融合而降低生物多样性。文章认为在当前生物入侵、物种灭绝加速的情况下,人们需要关注在什么条件下隔离机制被打破导致杂交的发生、遗传渗入形成机制以及如何采取有效措施防止杂交及遗传渗入对物种遗传多样性的影响。 Natural hybridization is a common phenomenon, and the action of human being is accelerating the happenness of natural hy- bridization, non-natural hybridization caused by human disturbance has great negative effects on species survival and evolution. We summarize the progress of hybridization and introgression based on the papers issused in recent years in this article. Hybridization not only affects species survival and evolution, but also bring some challenges to theory and practice of plant conservation. Hybridization and introgression has the potential to improve the genetic diversity, and can provide materials for species evolution, improve valuable variation for adaptation, and even lead to the formation of new ecotype or new species. But, small populations have tendency to go ex- tinction when they hybridize with another species in greater amount. Natural hybridization challenges the definition of species concept. Hybridization can blur species boundary and promote the formation of "difficult" taxa in taxonomic and phylogenetic studies. Natural hybridization can promote evolutionary divergence between taxa by reinforcement of reproductive isolation, it can also lead to the break- down of reproductive isolation and species mergence, and hence decrease the species diversity. We conclude that we should focus on the studies of isolation mechanisms, mechanisms of introgression, and how to prevent the negative effects of hybridization and introgres- sion in the background of high rate of species invasion and extinction.
出处 《重庆师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2012年第2期84-88,F0003,共6页 Journal of Chongqing Normal University:Natural Science
基金 云南省教育厅项目(No.2011Z111) 西南林业大学校基金项目(No.111123)
关键词 自然杂交 遗传渗入 物种 生殖隔离 natural hybridization introgression species reproductive isolation
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