目的 观察白介素-1(IL- 1)及地塞米松对人下颌骨髁状突软骨(MCC) 细胞增殖、代谢及前胶原基因表达的影响。 方法 采用体外细胞培养、同位素掺入及狭缝杂交方法。 结果 IL-1 具有抑制细胞增殖及胶原蛋白合成的作用,地塞米松一方面可促进细胞增殖,但同时却抑制了其胶原合成。二者在对前胶原基因表达影响方面作用相似,均可显著抑制软骨特征性的Ⅱ型胶原基因表达(分别为对照组的48.6 % 和57.9 %) ,而提高非软骨的Ⅰ、Ⅲ型胶原基因表达。 结论 IL- 1 对MCC细胞分化、增殖及胶原合成的抑制作用可能是它在骨关节病发病中重要的致病途径之一。地塞米松具有一定促进细胞增殖的作用,但鉴于其对软骨细胞胶原合成及Ⅱ型胶原基因表达的抑制,提示临床上应用不当可能会诱发或加重骨关节病及软骨损害。
Objective To examine the effect of IL 1 and dexamethasone on proliferation, metabolization and precollagen gene expression of human mandibular condylar cartilage(MCC) cells. Methods MCC cells of human fetus were cultured in DMEM supplemented with 10% of new born calf serum and incorporation isotope and mRNA slot blot hybridization. Results IL 1 significantly inhibited MCC cells' proliferation and collagen synthesis. Dexamethasone promoted proliferation, but it suppressed the collagen synthesis. The two had similar effect on precollagen gene expression, ie inhibiting type Ⅱ collagen gene expression of cartilage but promoting type Ⅰ and type Ⅲ collagen gene expression of non cartilage. Conclusions The inhibitory effect of IL 1 on chondrocyte differentiation may be one of its pathogenic pathways implicated in osteoarthrosis (OA). Although dexamethasone has some positive effects on cells proliferation, its inhibitory effect on collagen synthesis and type Ⅱ collagen expression of cartilage cells suggests that it may induce or exacerbate the destruction of articular cartilage if they are used inappropriately.
Chinese Journal of Trauma