
CLAM钢在600℃长期时效过程中的组织演化 被引量:5

Microstructure Evolution of CLAM Steel Aging at 600℃ for Long Time
摘要 采用金相显微镜、透射电镜对中国低活化马氏体钢(CLAM)在600℃长期时效过程中的显微组织演变规律进行研究。结果表明,随时效时间的延长晶粒发生了一定粗化,晶粒尺寸由时效前约8μm增加到10μm(1000 h时效),金相显微组织没有发生明显变化;马氏体板条随保温时间的延长而增大,宽度由时效前的约400 nm增加到约700 nm(1000 h时效)。析出物发生了明显粗化,经过1000 h时效后最大尺寸约为200 nm。 Abstract :Microstructure evolution of CLAM steel aging at 600℃ for long time was investigated by optical microscope and TEM. The results indicate that the grains arise coarsening slightly with the aging time increasing, but the metallographic structure has no change. Grain size is about 8 μm before aging, while it is about 10μ m after aging for 1000 h. The martensite lath increases with the aging time prolonging, the wide of lath increase from 400nm (no aging) to700 nm (aging for 1000 h). Precipitates arises coarsening with the increasing aging time obviously, the size is about 200 nm after aging for 1000 h.
出处 《热加工工艺》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第6期132-134,共3页 Hot Working Technology
基金 科技部科技人员服务企业行动项目(2009GJF20025) 贵州省工业攻关项目(黔科合GY字(2011)3025号) 贵阳市科学技术计划项目([2009]筑科工合同字第1-066号) 贵州大学SRT项目
关键词 中国低活化马氏体钢 显微组织 时效 析出物 China low activation martensitic steel microstmcture aging precipitates
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