Abstract Objective: hemopeffusion com- bined continuous hemofihration (CRRT) in severe acute pancreatitis(SAP) in the ther- apeutic value. Methods:fifteen patients with severe acute pancreatitis patients, while in the conventional treatment, plus hemoperfu- sion combined continuous blood filtration method to observe the course of treatment vital signs and biochemical changes. Re- sults:of fifteen patients after treatment body temperature, heart rate, respiratory rate, mean arterial pressure, oxygen and index, serum amylase,serum ereatinine, blood urea nitrogen,total bilirubin, CRP and other sig- nificant improvement compared with before treatment. Conclusion: hemoperfusion com- bined hemofiltration for the treatment of se- vere acute pancreatitis conventional meth- ods, early, continuous line hemoperfusion combined CRRT therapy is more conducive to improving the prognosis of SAP. Key Words blood perfusion of blood filtra- tion applications in severe acute pancreatitis
blood perfusion of blood filtra-tion applications in severe acute pancreatitis