在分析啤酒厂发酵车间发酵罐,糖化车间糊化锅、糖化锅工艺曲线特点的基础上,总结出工艺曲线关键点、用模态文件表征工艺曲线等概念与方法,在此基础上提出按工艺曲线进行控制的可视控制界面,并结合C++ 5.0中几种计时方法,给出了在 Win95下编程实现的要点。
Most of factory operators do like graphic interface pro- gram because of its simple usage, visual interface and little prereq- uisite computer knowledge. Based on characteristic of technological curves of ferment jug and paste lug and saccharification jug in Brew- ery, we put forward visual control interface controlled by their tech- nological curves and give Out main points of program in VC + + 5.0.
Electrotechnical Journal