

On Urban Expansion and Aesthetic Reconstruction of Daily World
摘要 19世纪发生的资本主义城市扩张,伴随资本主义资本积累贯穿西方社会的两个世纪。城市扩张并非只是从"小城市"到"大城市"的空间量的积累,城市扩张带来了城市日常生活结构从"神圣"话语到"物化"的转变,因此引发了城市现实因缺乏意义深度而产生的衰败,而现实衰败在根本上无法由"革命专政"解决,艺术创作中对日常生活现实的"审美重构"是城市个体解决现实问题的可行方式。19到20世纪西方城市扩张历程中,现实主义艺术以城市英雄主义、现代主义艺术以"当下"体验建构、超现实主义以内在幻象的规避与"神奇现实"的建构,分别体现出三种"审美建构"的方式,共同构成了西方现代都市美学的整体历程。在城市个体救赎的意义上,现代都市美学发展的实质是从外向内、从理性向非理性逃避的审美化生存。审美化生存其实是对城市现实"物化"所产生的"碎片化"逻辑的顺应。20世纪中后期的电子化媒介引发了口语媒介的再生以及城市群落空间的产生,为城市集体经验的产生提供了新契机,使城市个体的精神救赎走出审美化生存,转向在现实"碎片化"局势中城市个体与个体之间经验交流与连接实现的新可能,这也正是本雅明所指出的城市堕落时代个体救赎的关键所在。 With the capital accumulation of the capitalism, the urban expansion began in the 19th century has proceeded for two centuries in the Western world. The urban expansion was not the quantitative accumulation of big cities from small cities, but the transformation of daily structure from'sacred'to'materialized', which caused the lack of the depth of connotation, and then the decay of city reality. Such decay can not be removed through the revolutionary dictatorship, but only by aesthetic reconstruction of daily reality in art creation which is the feasible way in the urban individual dealing with the practical problems. During the western urban expansion from the 19th century to the 20th century, realism art constructed aesthetics with urban heroism, modernism art with experience of the moment, and surrealism art with magical reality that concealed the inner illusion. And the three different kinds of aesthetic cfonstruction formed the overall course of western modern urban aesthetics. In the sense of urban individual redemption, the essence of the development of modern urban aesthetics is the aesthetic survival evading from external and rationality to non-rationality, which is the answer to the fragmentation logic caused by the urban materialization. E-media in the mid-and late 20th century gave rise to the regeneration of oral media and generation of community space, which offered the opportunities for the urban collective experience, and switched the urban individual’s spiritual redemption from the aesthetic survival to the realization of exchange of experience and connection between the urban individual and the individual in the fragmentation situation. Such is just the key of individual redemption in the city fallen age as indicated by Benjamin.
作者 耿波
出处 《中国政法大学学报》 2012年第2期121-141,161,共21页 Journal Of CUPL
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  • 1(美)刘易斯·芒福德(LewisMumford)著,宋俊岭,倪文彦.城市发展史[M]中国建筑工业出版社,2005.








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