本文回顾了亚太经合组织开放的地区主义原则的起源和演变。开放的地区主义原则从一开始即被采纳 ,并随着亚太经合组织的发展而逐步明确化、具体化。文章解释了亚太经济合作以开放的地区主义作为基本原则的现实性 ,阐述了开放的地区主义原则对亚欧合作前景的影响。
This paper has reviewed the origination and evolution of the principals of Open Regionalism of APEC. The Open Regionalism principals have been adopt at the beginning, and they gradually become explicit and concrete. The paper explains the reality that APEC takes concerning Open Regionalism for basic principal; and expound the effection of the principal on the prospect of Asia-Europe cooperation.