国有企业职工下岗从性质上看 ,属于劳动关系变更 ,但这种变更在当前尚未理顺有关劳动关系。在劳动关系规范上 ,政策与法规不协调 ,将基本生活保障和再就业协议作为劳动合同附件有背法理 ,难以协调“协议”与“合同”的期限 ,同时用人单位与再就业服务中心关系的处理也缺乏依据 ;在实践上 ,不仅存在双重劳动关系 ,而且存在劳动合同与劳务合同大量混用的状况。这种状况带来的直接后果是 :企业“减员增效”无法实现 ,隐性就业日益盛行 ,社会保障功能弱化 ,劳动者合法权益受损 ,劳动力市场发育受阻 ,宏观调控失灵。国有企业下岗职工劳动关系的处理应遵循逐步推进、分类处理的原则 ,即首先通过托管方式将企业内失业人员改为企业外失业人员 ,然后在就业市场化、失业公开化条件基本具备时 ,再将企业外失业人员注入社会失业系统 ,形成统一的劳动力市场体系。
The author holds that the character of laid-off of state-owned enterprises belong to the change of labor relations, but laid-off has not determined on the basis of labor relations. Compare labor relations norms, the laid-off policies do not seem to be in tune with laws and regulations, violate legal provisions to use the agreement of basic living security and re-employment as the appendix of labor contract. Accordingly, it is difficult to balance contract period and 'agreement' deadline, and to correctly handle the relationship between employers and the re-employment centers. In practice, it is not only the dual labor relations but also the confusion of labor contract and service contract. Those problems inevitably result in enterprises can not increase efficiency by downsizing staff and divert laid-off workers, the macroeconomic control mechanism can not work properly, it is necessary to abide step by step principle, classify the laid-off workers' labor relations of state-owned enterprises. Namely, we should change internal unemployment staff into external unemployment staff by the way of trusteeship, then put the external unemployment staff into social unemployment staff into social unemployment system, when conditions are ripe for labor market.