Obtaining best performance is the uhimate objective for athlete in the training session. Obtaining, promoting and maintaining best performance are all required to be achieved trough the training session. Training sessions is both time and space vehicles which allow athletes' potential to be turned into real competitive ability. The existence, continuous construction and destruction of the continuing development of athletes' competitive ability and the relative backwardness in the training level, the pair of contradictions, encourage the training session to develop from a lower level to a higher level. The spatial characteristic of training session reflects the importance of the dynamic equilibrium of the competitive ability. During the training session, the longer the athletes stay in peak condition, the more frequently the best performance appears. Aiming at the best performance, training session should be scientifically arranged. Exploring the traits of the appearance of the best performance could promote the development of training session and create best performance.
Hubei Sports Science
training session, training level, best performance